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Mother's Day Bouquet

Mother's Day Bouquet

A beautiful bouquet for your special person on Mother's Day!

The bouquet will include a variety of fresh flowers in pinks, whites, and green foliage wrapped in white paper and tied with a pretty ribbon.

Please note that the exact arrangement may vary due to seasonal availability but will still be gorgeous.

For that little bit more perhaps add on some chocolates or a candle from our gift selections. Gifts come in a white gift bag tied with a pretty ribbon.

Please note that flowers will be delivered on Friday, 10th May between 1.00 and 5.00pm. 

  • Flowers need to be placed in water as soon as possible. When you receive your flowers, remove the wet pack, remove any leaves from the stems that will be under water (there shouldn’t be any as I will do this for you) and recut stems on an angle with sharp scissors. This allows the flowers to get a good drink of water. Place the flowers in a clean vase with clean fresh cool water. You can leave the tie on the flowers to keep the arrangement in place. Replacing with fresh clean water and recutting the stems on an angle every 1 to 2 days will keep flowers looking fresh and will help your flowers last longer for you to enjoy.
  • The flower images pictured are an example only, due to seasonal availability flowers will vary from the images shown. Flowers selected will be seasonal fresh flowers from the Sydney Flower Markets.


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